I am a third-year PhD student in the Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics program at Teachers College, Columbia University, where I am advised by Professor Youmi Suk. My research interests lie at the intersection of causal inference, causal reinforcement learning, Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TMLE), Dynamic Treatment Regimes (DTR), and algorithmic fairness.

My current work focuses on developing personalized, data-driven recommendation models for high school math course-taking plans using DTR methods. Supported by Professor Suk’s NSF funding and in collaboration with Yuxuan Li, this project leverages doubly robust and asymptotically efficient estimators through the TMLE framework. We aim to evaluate the performance of TMLE-based DTRs against other leading methods such as Causal Forest and BART in longitudinal settings with multicategorical treatments. Ultimately, our goal is to empower students by providing the right math course for the right student at the right time.

Before pursuing my PhD, I spent nearly a decade at New Oriental Education & Technology Group in Beijing, where I held roles including Deputy Manager of the American Graduate Tests Division, GRE Preparation Instructor, and Researcher for the GRE Instruction & Curriculum Department. These experiences honed my expertise in educational measurement and program management, laying a strong foundation for my current research.

🔥 News

  • 2025.01:  🎉🎉 Chenguang received a sponsored registration for the 2025 AERA Annual Meeting, AERA 2025.
  • 2024.12:  🎉🎉 Chenguang was awarded the Provost’s Grant for Conference presentation, Columbia Univeristy, NY, U.S.
  • 2024.11:  🎉🎉 Chenguang’s paper Designing Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes Using TMLE for Personalized Math Course-taking Plans (joint work with Youmi Suk) was accepted by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference 2025, Denver, CO, U.S.
  • 2024.09:  🎉🎉 Chenguang’s work (as second author) Designing Personalized Math Course-taking Plans in High School Using Optimal Treatment Regimes was accepted by and presented at the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE) conference. Baltimore, MD, U.S.
  • 2024.07:  🎉🎉 Chenguang’s independent research paper Examining the Algorithmic Fairness in Predicting High School Dropouts was accepted by and presented at the 17th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM) 2024. Additionally, he was awarded the IEDMS Scholarship by EDM. Atlanta, GA, U.S.

📝 Publications

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2024.11 Provost’s Grant for Conference presentation, Teachers College, Columbia University.
  • 2024.07 IEDMS Scholarship, EDM 2024, Atlanta, GA, U.S.
  • 2017.06 Outstanding Teacher Award (award rate: 1/400), New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Beijing, China.

📖 Educations

  • 2022.09 - now: Ph.D. in Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY, U.S.
  • 2020.09 - 2021.09: Master of Education in Quantitative Analytics, University of Virginia, VA, U.S.
  • 2010.09 - 2024.06: Bachler of Science in Physics, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, China.

💬 Teaching Experiences

  • 2022.09 - 2022.12, Teaching Assistance for QMSS GR5010 Quantitative Theory in Social Science, Columbia University, NY, U.S.
  • 2021.01 - 2021.07, Instructor of Python Programming and Machine Learning, New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Beijing, China.
  • 2013.01 - 2022.07, Instructor of GRE preparation in verbal and quantitative reasoning (teaching over 7,000 hours for over 10,000 students), New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Beijing, China.

💻 Industry Experiences

  • 2018.05 - 2022.08, Deputy Manager of American Graduate Tests Division, Full-time, New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Beijing, China.
  • 2014.05 - 2018.05, Senior Researcher of GRE Instruction and Curriculum Department, Full-time, New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Beijing, China.